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About Trust Makers Asset Protection

Our asset protection company combines the strength of structure and diversity of creativity in the field of law, tax compliance, asset protection, estate planning and wealth preservation. We protect with every available tool and strength, like the rule of a lion as he roars over a domain.

Our firm's core strength is in our people and their diversity. Meeting the needs of domestic and foreign clients in the global economy is a dispensation that requires top-notch diligence and expertise. As a company we reside where your estate meets wealth preservation . We employ and coordinate tax compliant, legal strategies designed to work within the framework of your life and strive to surpass your expectations.

Each Asset Protection Plan is exclusive and therefore we do not hesitate to bring together outstanding expertise in specialized fields from across the globe to create your personal environment of prosperity resulting in absolute protection. We utilize Attorney's, CPA's, Financial Planner's, Estate Planner's, Tax Advisor's, Insurance Company's from all 50 states and all Global Financial Centers to help build a plan that meets your needs and stand the test of time.

We do not limit our planning to domestic structures and we gather the best global options to implement whatever asset protection strategy is needed to complete a custom solution that meets your goals.

As a company, we do not favor any one particular structure or paradigm, but prefer to assess your situation before deciding what wealth preservation strategy may work for you. It is important to note that we invite your local advisors and financial planners to part of the process.

Rob Lambert, CEO
Trust Makers - An Asset Protection Company